Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blog Spam (Post #2)

Yea... so I was shopping last week and found these SWEET ass chair that matches absolutely NOTHING in my house what so ever.... I bought it and slapped it in the side of my bedroom... I think it defines me pretty well... goofy, out of place... and very very odd =D

Random Writing

Ooooh yusss! It's time for a much needed update. Sorry I've left you alone so long blog *pets*. 'rolls eyes @ self and moves on'. So the past 2 weeks have been pretty amazing if I do say so myself. I've been having a blast as usual, not to mention some joy has been brought back into my SL =D

Other than meeting a ton of new friends while I was off work for almost a week, I also met a lady friend as well. We've hung out the past week and a half and it's been fun and memorable to say the least. It's also been quite a different experience for me considering I haven't been on the "market" in almost 2 years, so it was a little new for me to be out on the SL dating scene again. Although I didn't click well with Fel on a few levels, I still had fun and hope that soon we will at least be friends. It's amazing how head over heels someone can get in just a short period of time, but after all this is SL and I've seen it several times, just never expected to be apart of one of those types of relationships. It was short and sweet as well as fun... just don't see myself getting that involved so quick, I guess I'm semi old fashioned in SL and like to take my time with a friendship before moving on to a more serious path, but it happens. We live, we learn, and we move on. =) She'll still be a good friend in due time.. I hope anyways :p

Moving on... I've lately been getting myself into my FPS mode again (first person shooter) but... instead of other games.. I've actually found it in Second Life which is pretty cool. I know as well as anyone that it's always been there, I've just never gotten into it until my recent purchase of a zombie spawner and a few new guns. And since I recently moved back to my old 8196 plot with all those extra prims... I have the space to have some fun =D So a few days ago me n Azzy split the cost for the zombie spawner and rezzed it on ground level... whipped out our guns and had a blast. One of my newest guns is the Breach L96 Sniper Rifle... in which I am in <3 style="text-align: center;">
Headshots & Snipers FTW!

And of course... Hand an assman a gun and see where he aims....

A nice pic Azzy took of us during the Zombie Bash.

So zombie shooting is hella fun for those of you ho haven't tried it.. I love all my new toys xD Will definitely give me something to do when I'm at home just farting around.

And speaking of new toys... Fel bought me a bike with her CC Customs giftcard and I am absolutely in love with the damn thing... it is pure perfection in all ways... at least through my eyes. I've spent the last several days on it playing around on random biker sims as well as riding around at home rubbing the back tire all over some zombie faces with Azzy. That pretty much sums all my fun action up tho, as you can see... I've had a blast.

On my last little note... I guess I was destined to lose all of my old SL friends to other games or random misfits. A good friend kind of spazzed out on me the other day. I didn't talk to her for about 5 days because I was off having the loads of fun mentioned in the previous paragraphs, but on top of that she wasn't around much either, she stays pretty busy and not to mention she plays WoW now so go figure... but she popped into SR and I sent her an IM asked her how things were going and completely stunned the hell out of me when she just went off on me. I guess she saw me dancing with Fel and assumed all sorts of things, pretty typical in SL tho. It wasn't a total shocker coming from her, but shocking enough to see it directed towards me for a change. I stayed rational of course and dealt with it the best I could, but I've heard through the grapevine that I'm not the only she went off on so it did make me feel a bit better... sounds like a string of bad luck so of course... I won't hold it against her, we all have our moments. I even waited a day to see if she had cooled off but she seemed pretty upset by the minor situation and was still pretty extravagant with her one and only comment. She was the last of the old remaining friends I had left in SL so I guess it's a sign to get out and meet more people.

So as you can see my SL is going through another one of those random changes.. it gets good, then bad, then good and bad at the same time. Seems like a constant thing these days but I will adapt as usual =D

<3 Noodle

Monday, September 7, 2009

<3 Holidays

So here I sit eating Salisbury Steaks and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper. I'm rather bored now just listening to music at home which I have recently finished furnishing. Those of you that saw my latest post probably noticed it was pretty damn empty. But I spent a good bit the other day as well as this morning filling the house up with decor and I must say I am impressed with my own work in a not so conceited way, I love the way it looks because it just feels so cozy and err "warmish"? haha. I doubt I will be posting pics of it but if this boredom continues I most likely will. Those of you that have stopped by my new home to check it out as well as criticize, compliment, and or attempt to trash it... I thank you so much =D I've loved all the ideas and have tried to incorporate as much of it as I could into my home and I just love it =D Those of you who have not seen it and would like to, you are more than welcome to send me an IM and ask for a tour, I am rarely, if ever, too busy to not do so. Big Thanks to Deede for fronting me the money to even BUY a new house to begin with. <3 yew much girl

On to other things... last night was pretty damn fun, I stayed up late drinking Jose n Redbull at Sanctuary Rock, I got pretty effed up n just passed out. It was good to be able to relax and drink around friends & acquaintances again without having anything to actually go out and do, just sip and ease my mind from all the frustrating thoughts that have passed through. I've spent entirely too much money in SL the last two weeks but it has kept me busy and out of trouble for the most part, but I do believe I need to calm down on the spending now especially since my house is actually done, HOO!

It has been rather lonely in SL, but on the other hand it really hasn't been that bad, I've made a ton of new friends and planting my ass at SR has been pretty entertaining, I just love the people there ^_^. I've almost felt completely lost the last few months, I never know what to do anymore so I always wind up hanging out at SR all day, which isn't totally bad, but I would like to broaden my horizons a bit and get away from the same old routine. I would LOVE to get back into DJing on a daily or even weekly basis but I am having technical difficulties with my hard drives >.<. I recently upgraded my Operating System drive to a 500 gig SATA and kept my 2 160 IDE drives in just in case i needed to grab something. But the other day I was going t remove my old OS IDE Drive and just keep the one IDE drive with all my music on it but.... that was a total failure. The 500 gig SATA fails to boot with just one IDE drive and it is driving me NUTS! ARGH!!!!!!!!! The only way I can use my IDE Slave is to hook up my IDE master and it works fine, but I really don't want 3 hard drives running in my PC, there's entirely too much heat in there as it is. I've configured the jumpers and BIOS settings properly when I remove the IDE master and keep the slave... but it still doesn't want to act right.. *sigh* Moving on.... /end geek talk 101

Other than the above... my SL has been pretty bland lately, not a whole lot going on in my virtual world aside from spending too many damn lindens xD *cracks whip* Now gtfo of my blog before i drop kick you in the tonsil! kkthxbaiseeyounexttime