Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Home!

New Beginnings call for new homes! My latest project and one that is consuming a majority of my time would be my new home, I went for something WAY different than I normally went with, more of a high end modern look, which I must say I am in love with. The texturing itself is simply amazing and nothing like I've seen in Second Life before, but as everyone knows, I've been a Second Life hermit for the past few months. I figured it was time to update my home again, not to mention it would help me clear my head and give me something to do, so I hope you enjoy the pictures! It does look a a lot better in person, so if you have the urge to see it just get in touch with me and I will give you a personal tour & you could possibly help me decide what else to put in it, it's still pretty empty considering I had to buy all new furniture but I am slowly working on touching it up. I would love the extra criticism and ideas =)
Play Room....

Play Room ..::Again:..

Empty bedroom....

End of the hallway

First Hallway

My living room

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dark Dreams.... Dark Thoughts

Walking on top of the world is how it felt, just faultless and astound in all ways. More than mere words could ever explain, an experience gain with every step. Exploring worlds I never thought existed or could ever imagine in my wildest dreams. Each stride captivated my interest, only looking back to catch a glimpse of the past as I strutted into a complete bliss. Divine Intervention... the only thing capable of breaking my gaze apart from what stood ahead. Smashing and ripping my way through anything that dared to stand in my way, dominating the battlefield of reality with my very fists, and kicking down barricades with my bare feet. I felt unstoppable, I felt like a GOD ready to take on an eternity of evil. Replenishing my rage by feeding on the weak, my sight was keen and carried on into the distance ahead, leaving a warpath behind me like a giant paving it's way through a thick forest searching for it's last meal. Beaten and torn, but undoubtedly overwhelmed with an intense desire to push forward through anything... or anyone for that matter. It was my world for the taking and I had the will power to obtain it.

Subsiding my adventure into a dark hole when I could bare no more, I lodged my body into resting, sending my mind into serenity only to be awakened by horrid dreams within my Subconciousness. I was a walking phenomenon, constructing my own way through life, dependent on nothing but my very being to carry myself further. The skies above slowly turned into darkness, concealing my vision to the vast landscape ahead, blurring my perception as it made me entirely helpless for the first time. I could feel my soul being ripped from me, making me weak as I felt my hands overpowered and bound beneath me. Pure darkness obstructed my senses as I fell into a complete hell, whipped and beaten as I was lifted from the ground below, my once horrid dreams were quickly becoming reality. Hours upon hours I was carried without consent, it felt like a dozen or more little minions that tortured my physical mass while being carried into the unknown. Whips lashed across my external covering, as well as twigs and massive chains that could only seem to be held by giants. My body writhed under the hands of many, struggling and trying to break free to defend myself, it was a complete failure every time that inflicted more pain upon my body.

The air soon became more dense and irked with the stench of the dead, the presence of evil grew stronger with every lasting minute, sounds of the underground emitted through my ear drums as I could hear water cascading down bends, twists, and the bindings of pipes. Frightening screams echoed through what seemed never ending hallways as an eerie percussion of a cell door rung loud into my brain. A quick change in direction shot an excruciating pain into my spine, my body being slammed into a bulwark as my head recoiled off of it. My wrists were free once more, but still conquered by a relentless creature as frigid steel slipped over my wrists which bound to short chains. A massive hand stretched over my entire head as the woven fibers were removed from the apex of my carcass. A monumental being stood before me incased by a dark shadow from the blinding light behind it, my direct peripheral vision was blurred from my once dilated pupils but before they could contract and adapt, the beast was absent.

I sat there more humiliated than ever, strapped in the corner of this god forsaken cell that reeked an unbearable smell, a steamy liquid substance slowly escaped between the cracks within the molded rock that were stained red from what looked like old blood. Across from me laid the remains of something else that was once chained down, the skeleton was not that of a human, but of a smaller creature whose deformities were of nothing I’d ever gazed upon. Lowering my shame back to the floor where I was forced into submission I realized my years of reeking havoc have come to an end. I rested my head against the hard rock surface but bound to a corner that was all I could do, the chains around my wrists were short so the only posture I could resume was an upright one which was very uncomforting. Days past and I became weary, discomforted, and very weak, not much to anyone’s likes by any means.

One dreadful night I was suddenly awakened from my sleep, the steel cuffs were displaced from my wrists vigorously as I was dislodged from my corner and thrown over a massive shoulder. I balled my fists and pounded on the enormous beast attempting to break myself free with no luck, only increasing his fury towards me, slamming his shoulder into the wall, smashing my body between the two sending scrutinizing pain into my already sore back that put me into an unconscious state.

**To Be Continued**

Here We Go!

So "\o/" for this whole new blogging thing, kind of excited to to have a place specifically made to put my thoughts, I really should have started this a long time ago considering the amount of writing in general I have done the past few months whether it be poetry, literotica, rants, or just a simple story.

But first off welcome to my new blog =D I'll more than likely be putting all of my writing in here just because I can and so I can occasionally force people to read it when I get in a demanding mood. \m/(>.<)\m/ I guess the newest thing going on in my Second Life is change... and a lot of it from just about every angle. Some good and some not so good but not totally bad either.. just kinda bleh stuff. Some of the topics I will be touching down on are a little personal and still quite touchy to say the least so take it easy on me. For those of you that don't already know... my real life girlfriend plays Second Life as well, I brought her here a good while ago. While a lot of you will think that is a wonderful idea for obvious reasons... and it was for awhile. Those of you that know me know that (at the time) I was partnered to Betty and you can just guess how that went xD And yea it went that way... haha. I can laugh about it now but at the time it was a rough patch to go through although I won't go into details. But like most people, Second Life is my "escape" from reality and I never anticipated my real life girlfriend getting addicted to SL and spending just as much time here as I did, but I can't blame her, it's a wonderful world filled with tons of cool people, after 2 1/2 years of SL I should have known the direction it was going to go. So after several bumps in the road in SL and RL things did manage to calm down for the most part, although both lives took a pretty big hit & of course things started to change in both worlds, and again I won't go into detail. But for now I will say I have my Second Life "escape" is back and I don't feel like I'm being kept tabs on by reality on a daily basis which makes me feel 100% better.

And now here recently Betty and I have split up, which I think several people saw it coming, at least those I talk to on a daily basis anyways. I'm still dealing with it and it's not the easiest thing I have ever had to do to say the least. The last year for Betty and I have been really rough and there were no signs of anything getting better so it's best to just let go and move on so that's what we decided upon. I will truly miss her and all the fun we've had together, it's been an incredible 17 months that will never be forgotten or replaced.

Lastly I will be doing a few double posts, planting down some of my stories and Literotica to give my blog a little spunk so keep watch and I hope you enjoy =D